ggforever I bought this DVD, and if you are looking for quantity, you get it. 16 hours...whew. However, there are a lot of toys, which most of us do not like. I do like strap-on scenes if they are well done and passionate. There are a couple of good ones on these DVDs. There is one scene that I really liked. It is at the end of disc one, and features Brooke and Violet. It is a slow, soft scene with the two of them in bed. Not a lot of overt sex, just two lovely ladies enjoying themselves, kissing, and caressing each other. Only lasts about six minutes though. If you would like to get a lot of lesbian action, and see many of the ladies who specialize in lesbian erotica, this may be the series for you. There sure is a great diversity of action. I think everyone will find something that appeals to them. And you can always move to the next scene if you don't like the one you are watching. Good luck. Malocosa You know, for $24.99 and 16 hours of exclusive lesbian footage, you can't complain. Now, not every scene on each of the four DVDs can be rated as a 3 or 5 by LLV standards, but each disk DOES have at least three scorchingly good scenes, so you figure about 12 HOT scenes, followed by a half-dozen "good" scenes and you have 18 re-watchable lesbian lovemaking sequences for a low price. You can't beat that. smartass I've got quite a few of these multi-disk comp sets, and the two from Wicked are by far the best. Lots of gorgeous women in very well-produced scenes (I appreciated the fact that all the ladies are identified prior to each scene. Nothing worse that becoming infatuated with an actress and then trying to figure out who she is). No, you won't find every scene to your taste, but you'll find something here to loop a few times. I give these two comps 5 stars for the effort. |