animar monstruo paquete de D / S

animate monster pack D/S
BOO! Classic monsters have always been fun to create rendered images of and now you can make aniMate them! Not just for Halloween, these 30 creepy aniBlocks–walks, gestures and actions–will add some spooky fun to your aniBlock collection.•dracula rise
•dracula uncross arms
•electric chair
•frankenstein start
•frankenstein loop
•hunchback start
•hunchback loop
•mummy start
•mummy loop
•mummy sit up 1
•mummy sit up 2
•nosferatu walk 1
•nosferatu walk 2
•psycho stab
•spell 1
•spell 2
•spell 3
•startle front
•startle left
•startle low
•startle right
•startle up
•vampire skulk start
•vampire skulk loop
•vampire skulk end
•werewolf howl
•zombie shot
•zombie walk